< Draws' Stuff


WinDirStat - A visulizer for your computer's storage. Individual files are given their own colored chunk and made proportionate in size to how much space they're currently using on your PC. A must have for anyone trying to make some space, clean up files, or just rediscover those old shitposts your friends made years ago that you've forgotten about.

Everything - Search tool that searches everything on your PC. Everything. Every last file. Given how shitty the default search tool is for Windows this is a godsend if you're trying to find that one folder that just refuses to show up.

SponsorBlock - Browser extension that blocks sponser segements in youtube videos. The blocking is seamless and I've rarely had it miss anything, even vidoes that came out just minutes ago.  Works on all Chromium Browsers, Firefox based browsers, Edge, Safari, Oprah, and a few other mobile ones. 


MarginaliaSearch Engine that looks for websites with old designs. 

Rentry - Pastebin Alternative. Good for storing text documents online.

Link Directory - Huge list of neat websites.


She / Her. ♠️ Aegosexual. "Artist". Can't stop creating problematic girlbosses.


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